I really enjoyed playing this one. Reminds me of strider even though I never actually played that game, probably a silly thing to say. I like the art and aesthetics, also the parallax scrolling. I think the controls are fine for the controller but I couldn't get far with the keyboard controls, sliding with ctrl just felt wrong to me. Unfortunately my DS4 disconnected and now it's not working with the game, that's actually a pretty common occurrence to me so nothing to do with the game but I was unable to get far using only the keyboard. The game is pretty challenging and I like that. It took me a while to realize you have to attack the dogs from behind and that you can easily slide under it, after that it became very satisfying rushing through the level, until my DS4 blew off that is.
I do have to agree with Team Essell though in that the walljumping is really frustrating. Having to stop moving before pressing jump to walljump makes it really weird and I miss the timing all the time. I think it would be better if we could walljump regardless if you're pressing to move left or right. I'll play it more later after I fix my DS4 but from what I played it's pretty solid.