Penelope: then how is she Non-Binary?
*this chick doesnt know EvErYThInG about LGBTQA+*
melody: •_•, BECAUSE she isn't a fe-male they are non binary and use she pronouns because thats what their comfortable with
Penelope: alrighty then, but now youre switching between she/her and they/them
melody: because she uses both of them
Penelope:.....this is why Colin didnt teach me these things.....they're making my CPU hurt
btw a CPU is a robot brain
melody: okay then
Penelope: *more silence cuz shes very scared*
melody: oh- there they are *waves*
Melody: *grabs your hand again* *yeet*
Penelope: *shes just doing whatever you want her to at this point*
melody: *hug* ^^
Melody's joyfriend: ^^
Melody's joyfriend: well who are you?
Melody: thats my uhh... im not sure
Melody's joyfriend: im twig btw