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-I got complaints about not knowing the story up until that point last demo day, so I put a blurb about it there. It's going to be cut and replaced with cutscenes and a prologue level eventually.

-I was actually thinking about adding a thing to list the available actions. The thing holding me back from that atm is that I'm still not familiar enough with rewired to actually properly map the buttons in code like that. There doesn't seem to any direct connection to their button map and the specific indices and it really has me struggling with input.

-Did you figure out that the meow button has two states? Down + meow will make you do angry meows and neutral + meow will make with do "locked outside the door and wants to get in" meows. I haven't found happy meows yet but I plan on finding something.

-I can't help you with the phone booth problem tbh, you'll have to show some self restraint. I know what you mean though.

-I've thought about several methods of auto-attaching but none of them work out will with the kinds of levels I'm planning for the future. It will be forever on my mind over the course of development though.

-Yeah I wanted to show blood and light gore early to set the mood of what the later levels are going to be like. If this is how it is in World 1, how will it be in World 8? Right?

Thanks a lot for playing my game!