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Oh boy here we go.

-The camera is REALLY overbearing. This autocamera isn't great and more manual camera control would be preferred. Hold down and you'll see what I mean.

-Collecting things isn't as fun as it should be. Needs particles and a juicer sound.

-Sometimes you can do a glitchy double jump to get on top of an object.

-The game needs more spice to it, probably in the form of addition moves. It's not all that fun atm.

Overall, solid core, but the game bored me to death. These are all fixable things, so I'm looking forward to seeing you in the future! Keep up the good progress!

did you enjoy the levels? theme wise and stuff!

I only played one, but it all seemed fine aesthetically. I don't think you have anything to worry about in that department. Level design and collectible positions also seemed fine.

really appreciate the criticisms and taking your time to tell me

No problem man, all for the sake of the big progress and having more good games in the world. I think this could be one of em.

oddly enough i smoothed the camera up very quickly now when you hold down it doesnt freak out NEARLY as much