Love the way you handled level design! Show the player a mechanic, let them use it a little, then challenge the player and then maybe even mix mechanics! Very good way to lean you players in to each level!
This game feels like one of those classic Gameboy puzzle platformers. With great little animations and very fun power ups. The wind one was my favorite because I loved tossing enemies around while also having a really nice double jump!
I ended up playing your game for a solid 40 mins today XD Was so committed to compleating it! But I accidently hit exit in stage 5-1 D: Not realizing that the icons were the password and maybe I should remember them a little to late I decided to call it there but I had a really great time with the game!
Here is my game play video from earlier today! :D
[Acabra Dabra] Played By Carbs
Puzzles and a bit of challenge meets cute little animations! Can't wait to see more, keep up the great work! :D