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These are suggestions mostly in the name of solving RNG issues.

To solve the "so and so is always impostor/so and so is never impostor" problem where someone can play all day and always or never be the impostor (eg the rng appears broken.) This requires minor changes.

First, when the players are in the "lobby", allow players to select "crew and impostor OK" toggles, this is only to allow people explicitly opt-out of being the impostor for the next game. It has to be set every round.

Second, allow playing the game with zero impostors as well. Basically, this mode is "players versus the ship", which happens when all players opt out of being the impostor. In this mode players can only lose by not completing all the tasks and having one of the typical sabotage items ending the game. The Sabotage items will be triggered roughly every 10% tasks completed or if any player hasn't done a task within 60 seconds.

Third, it would be preferable to randomly select impostors 0 to 3 when the impostors are not verified when people are voted off. This should also not reveal the other impostors to each other, which means they can also kill each other (unless "friendly fire" is turned off.


You sound like one of the people that would quit a game because they are not an imposter

I've literately watched people play this game and get Impostor every time, while simultaneously having people complaining about it. 


The problem with "fixing RNG" is that it would no longer be TRULY random if you tried to make it fair

Indeed, but sometimes the RNG results in the same person getting the impostor every time. So this is more of a way to say "don't give me a straw" when the game draws straws for impostor. The other players don't see who's opted out.