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Thanks for playing!

Yes, I'll take any feedback. I hope to release this later as a complete game. 


Nice. The game starts abruptly. You are welcomed with shots to the face before figuring out the controls and recognizing the stage haha. Even after restarting, if you move, more enemies are waiting for you, giving you no chance to test the controls. The explosions from the shots also don't let you see where you are going, at least in that part of the game.

Destroying enemies is hard, I had to click a few times before achieving it. It's hard to destroy enemies below you, because the camera doesn't show them. As you can't rotate the camera, it would be better if all enemies were above you and maybe your character only moves forward.

Enemy fire rate seems to be too fast? Or maybe there were many gathered enemies. 

Hope that helps, and congrats again!


Thanks. A lot of those are things I was trying to fix before I released the game for the game jam but I ran out of time. I am going to fix the camera thing soon. Several people have told me that.