So much raaaaage! And fun at the same time... Oh wow... It's hard as balls! Really difficult game, reminds me of World's Hardest Game, just a lot prettier with better artwork and nice music. Level 5 drove me crazy, yet I didn't give up. Why? Because these kind of games can be addictive and the challenge itself wanted me to play more and more and more!
I missed the checkpoint system and also the controls didn't feel that good. The ball is a little bit too fast (hard to make small movements), maybe a minimal acceleration could have been good. Also 1 pixel tolerance would be good when trying to go between walls (hitting a wall with the edge should jump the ball to the free place). Maybe not the best explanation, I know. But it's an annoying issue and can be easily fixed.
And yeah, Hardcore is right! Level 9: my stress meter exploded... Well 197 lives left, I may try to finish this painful level!