Edit: Sorry, you said to email them, but I didn't read carefully.. uh. I can remove this post if you like, just say so If I should do that.
Alright, here it is, I've put the files on my home server. It's slow, but they're not big, so it should be ok.
The images are from later parts of the game, so people who haven't played yet might not want to look at them, despite there being no real text. They might also not wanna continue to read this post, as my bug descriptions most definitely contain spoilers!
Naturally, the savegames would enable people to take shortcuts, but people probably don't wanna do that. ;)
Files: [Savegames], [dialog bug 1], [dialog bug 2].
Bug report #1, "No more progress" / "Lilac disappearence":
To trigger the "no more progress" bug, please load saved game #20, and pick "Alien" as a response to Lilac's question. From there on out, you can still complete the present thing, but then, dialogs with Bryn, research and TV set will all be eventually exhausted of options. Lilac will be gone entirely.
Upon further examination, Lilac may have just retreated to her house (the one with the rose bush), never to leave it again. Because there's always "somebody inside" when trying to peek through the window.
You can also fast-forward to save game #29 or the newly created #104 to see the state where I couldn't make any progress anymore and where all dialog options are exhausted (should be the case for 104 at least).
Re-load #20 and pick "human" instead of "alien", and the game will continue on its merry way!
Bug report #2 (see image "dialog bug 2"):
I don't have a save game close to this, but this happened after Bryn asked me to explain some scientific theory to her. So while I was rambling about the big bang and how gravity might be negative energy, suddenly... this. ;) Made me giggle a little, because it was so totally out of place. ;)
This issue happened when I was still sitting in the "no more progress" situation as described in bug report #1.
Bug report #3 (see image "dialog bug 1"):
I still have a save game somewhat close to this one. Load #97. This happens during the "big reveal talk" after I had realized my big discovery and with Paradigm having offered me to explain all the rest.
Starting from save game #97, pick the following dialog options, in that order:
- Continued researching it
- How are you related to Intereon Intelligence?
- Can you see into the future?
- Have you two talked a lot about each other?
- Are Bryn and Lilac related to Intereon Intelligence too?
Now follow the conversation for a short while and you should encounter it.
Maybe the exact order of answers doesn't matter, but that's how I did it.
There are also a few typos and grammar errors in the late game, mostly when talking to Paradigm, but I haven't made notes about those. They're not that big an issue, I'm thinking.
I hope my issues are reproducible for you. I have not tested the save games on a different installation / computer after all.
Thank you very much! :)