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Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah, no sh!%, games good, not gonna lie, but hell, has made almost as much money for production over the years as an actual triple A game's budget for basically little to nothing aside from an introduction.


Really? He's working with a very advanced program, loads of code, is the ONLY one working on it and you expect a lot of results? Making a game isn't an easy thing, doubly so when using a 3d program/render software like this.

I'd like to see you two make a game like this in the same time frame and the money thing? Triple A companies throw a LOT more that what he's making currently at a game they are making every DAY and what do we normally get? Mediocre, run of the mill games for the most part.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hmm 6% of chapter 4 left? Have you seen the size of chapter 4? It's supposedly bigger than the previous 3 chapters combined and we all know how long it took him to pump out the first 3...Saying that there's only 6% of a chapter to finish isn't putting the actual size of the chapter into scope, it could 6% of rendering to complete (that shit takes a long time) or it could be 6% of code to complete (again that takes ages, especially if it's just one person) so how about you cut him some slack?

You also missed the point i was trying to make, he's the only one working on this so of COURSE it's going to take him ages to put out chapter 4, he doesn't have a team he can spread the load over to make things go faster.

Are you worried that chapter 4 isn't coming out as fast as you'd like it to? He gave the first 3 chapters out for free for crying out loud, that's more than what a LOT of devs dole out, usually it's just a few missions/scenarios with a demo of the game.


Isn't it actually some sheila? A musician according to my initial receipt?

I love this work.

Just tried a couple of the lude scenes in VR and I gotta say I loved Chumumi in pancake but I was completely blown away by that scene sequence in VR. The other I tried was Rene and it was ok. The facial animation wasn't great and her face looked like its made of paper. But that was after the Chumumi scene which was just amazingly beautiful, completely stunning.

But embiz is making a very valid point and frankly if Redamz was not making quite so much money off this perhaps it would get done? As it is the money will stop once it is done and there's no guarantee the next concept will capture peoples imaginations the way MGI has and that's gotta weigh heavily on a person.

I only stopped supporting when Redamz said he/she was taking a break. I would really like to see how this ends but I wonder if it will?...

Even though Redamz took a break, he/she stopped all patreon payments, so its been free for serveral months

Saw Redamz is posting again on Patreon so wonder whether I should sign back up or just wait and see?

sorry.... not possible at this point..... His patreon is gone....

Yeh heard.

Wonder if we will ever see the conclusion now?

I know she said she was going to drop this so she could just concentrate on getting it done.

I hope that proves to be the case?

Been learning Unity, 3D modelling and animation myself now for about a year.

I'm hoping it won't take so long for me to build the game I want to play?


From what I've read, he has almost completed chapter 4, which is allegedly larger than the first 3 chapters combined. That's A LOT of content, especially considering he's working on this all alone: and coding the whole thing, rather than rendering some 3D pictures and animations to shove in renpy as most visual novels do (which is quite some work too, I'm sure, but definitely not the same thing). Not sure if/when it will become available (I'm not one of the patreon supporters) but I'm sure we'll hear news soon.

I'd say let's cut the guy some slack: the first three chapters were VERY long, and he gave the whole thing for free. All the money he's getting, he deserved.

Deleted 1 year ago

I started learning Unity about 9 months ago and 3D modelling and animation a few months back. I don't think this is as hard to do as you believe? The creative process from the human perspective can be tricky of course but I certainly hope I can produce far more than Redamz has in six years. Hopefully we will see?

(6 edits)

Please stop being Irresponsible, its one individual, doing all the work, and the only reason most people can only see the Prologue is because is because they aren't supporting that individual.

Besides have you ever done coding for a game, by the sounds of it, not likely. It can get quite complicated, extremely complex for anything more than simple games, besides its extememly time consuming. And Redamz does all the artwork, graphics, animations, coding, story, messages, hell even the bug fixes(thats fucking hard and time consuming, i would know), and i believe even the music...... Of course its going to take years.

(You know most people have a life, don't have unlimited free time, and require sleep.) besides its mentally fatiguing doing all that work all by yourself, and stressful, people need to take breaks.