Wow, there really was a lot of love put into this game and I enjoyed this small little experience you've made :) I can't believe you did so much within so little time (player customization, fully functional farming, camera work, scene transitions, etc.) And my favorite part is definitely the visual appeal he game provides! I love the way you used lighting (lights coming from the lamp post, furnace and the day-and-night cycle) to make the scenery & environment feel more dynamic. I especially love the swinging light in the barn which was nicely complimented by the way you colored the silhouettes and the floor. The bugs that swarmed around the lights and the grass waving in the wind also really added to the overall environment. I think you might enjoy reading through, where the perlin noise section describes a way to simulate natural movement.
Not sure what the unexpected thing was (I played until day 18), but I kept expecting some kind of jumpscare for some reason. The background music stopped after a while, and the game crashed when I tried to walk all the way to the right. It might be helpful to try to scope a smaller project next time? You clearly know what you're doing, but there's a lot to a farming game to be done within such a short amount of time.