Thanks for all the feedback!
I've been in a heat wave here in Indiana, USA, so I've been rather drained and sleep deprived lately. My computer also runs a bit hot when developing games even in normal weather. Our home's air conditioning hasn't been able to keep up with the heat, so I have had to turn the computer off sometimes. Which of course means not much work gets done on the game those days.
I just wanted to write a quick note here thanking all of you who took the time to write comments on this page. It really made my day to log in and read them, and know out there in the internet, others are playing and enjoying Drake. :)
The new levels are taking a lot longer then expected, sorry. But it is very encouraging to read all your feedback and know others are enjoying Drake even if it's just a slice of the full game. I shall keep working on it! (When I can, storms should help cool some of this heat down soon.)