Crashed the ship right away. Ok, I went and read the manual, and learned how to control the ship speed.
Next step, learning how to read the very low visibility canyon. A few deaths later, I think I can do most of the first level except for that part when the cave opens up. I still get disorientated and fly nose upwards into the ceiling sometimes.
Then I got to shooting a target. I'm still not sure if the enemy or my own stupidity hitting walls is what killed me. :p I did shoot bullets at everything along the way, so I'm sure the cave is covered in craters. Go big or go home I guess. I make a good plane crashing terrorist, which makes me wonder who's really who in this game.
All that said, the game's design is pretty slick and well within the spirit of the jam. I wish the game was better at teaching me how to play it. I want to play it. I think the game's style of "low visibility caverns" and "flight physics" has lots of potential.