Thanks for the reply, and thanks for being honest, it means a lot.
About the character being difficult to control, there are plenty of things I am too used to from working on it that I really needed to test on new players, so that is the main purpose of this submission (thanks for figuring that out)
Wall jumps being sticky is kinda a problem I'm still figuring out. I changed it last minute because I worried jumping off walls would be to hard, but I think I over did that.
The slide (if you even used it, nothing in game mentions it) is kinda annoying because the only way to cancel it is with a jump. Probably going to add a way to cancel it with an opposing input. Also it really should only happen when you have enough speed or give it should you a boost if your going to slow.
Other things being problems are the interactions of dashing into a jump. If you didn't try it, you should. Mixing Gunvolt and Celeste leads to absurdity. Dashing diagonally into a jump has some intentionally massive speed boosts, to a level I'm not sure about now.
That leads into your other points which I absolutely get.
First thing of note is enemies and obstacles in future stuff. Biggest thing there is that with the character being based of Copen from Gunvolt, dashing into an enemy will not harm you, instead being a means of readying for an attack after bouncing off them. Mixing this with hypers and wave dashes with Celeste means you are putting yourself at risk by jumping out of the dash, meaning its not a good idea if you are going to slam into enemies.
Stuff like spikes and lava will be kept to a minimum because they don't mess with the speed factor of the game.
Also, the speed is intentional. Not to go into more detail than I already have, the core of the game I am making is a Metroidvania based around speed, and designing all aspects of the game around that speed. Precise jumps are likely not going to be something that is required often.
As for the level, it was made for this jam and it isn't great. It tested and proved some experimental engine edits I'm working on, but other than that its kinda garbo, has one good moment, that's it. I can only recommend playing with sound. You'll know if the level changes that way, big ol' rock breaking noise. (I didn't want to add screen shake...)
Also, when its voting time for the jam, do take another stab at finishing the level, the one cool moment is the end.