I believe that it is not a bug, but a mecanism which is a bit too convoluted and not selfexplanatory : You need a port next to the silo. And the pilon must either be in reach of this port, or in reach of another port from which it is possible to sail to the silo port.
Bear in mind that the calcifier blocks the navigation. You must get rid of them first.
Also, beware not to remove water pumps too quick (they don't block the navigation)
Hmm. Now that I understand the Pilon / Port mecanism, I have tried using it more.
The idea to build this network really feels compeling, but it is far too limited and complicated to use (that water removal thing is soo annoying, and fells illogical. Why would we remove a pump if we need to rebuild it right away ?).
I'd love though to play a map where we need to use that network only (no drone), with a mecanism to remove them afterward -> Maybe a specific drone which only removes the pilons, pumps and ports)
If feel that there still a bit of work to be done there, to make as great as it deserves.