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You gave me some feedback so I'll return the favor.

Honestly, doom style graphics and visual novels are two things I have zero experience with, so I'm not going to discuss those parts, BUT I do have stuff to say.

1. Music is integrated well and it seems like you put work into making it feed in and out. I was actually surprised by it an started enjoying myself when the first fight started.

2. Once I figured out how the enemies health was displayed(the glow) I appreciated it immensely. Minimalist UI while still giving the player information through other means is something I always like.

Other than that, all I have is this: I had fun and did not feel my time was wasted, which I cannot say for some games I've payed for in the past. Doesn't mean its good or anything, but fun is the most important thing for me with games and your game had some. I could definitely criticize a lot more stuff, but I don't feel like I have an actual grip on 3D gamedev, so I'll leave that for other commenters.

Also the MSPaint style is kinda hilarious in both a good and bad way. Even doing it for the UI is the best part.

That's fair, I won't fault you for not trying to critique something you're not familiar with.

1. The music worked out surprisingly well. I'll admit I kind of left it until the end and didn't put as much thought into it than I usually do. I picked several tracks- all or most of the town sequence- from the same artist which was a good decision.

2. I had a lot of dumb code problems with that script, but I agree that it was absolutely worth it. Once I had it dialed in it was very clear when enemies had lost their shields/aura (they actually have health after, though not much). I actually thought about doing this for the player and Sakura as well but it didn't look good and Sakura is unkillable anyway so I dropped it.

I make a lot of janky, weird games, but I try to make them enjoyable so I'm glad you had some fun with it.