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My twitch video:

  • Overall: 4/5
  • Unexpectedness: I decided that this is gonna be a great game the second I was given a bazooka. I definitely did NOT expect that. 
  • Gameplay Innovation:  Never seen a game where I'm a duck blasting myself around with a bazooka before, I'll give you that. I enjoyed every moment of it.
  • Fun: This was absolutely hilarious and I felt I could've continued for a way longer time than the duration of the game. And I enjoyed that the narrator was constantly berating me. 
  • Visuals: I mean it's not impressive in terms of visuals, but I'm not sure I think it needs to be. It was a bit monotone though, maybe would've been nice with some more colours. 
  • Audio: I liked the music. It was calming which was nice to have in the background as you were concentrating on the exact right angle to blast yourself over deadly spikes.

Hey - I watched through the full playthrough and it gave me a ton of insights into the game, so thank you for that first off. I totally agree with you in visuals - it's currently my weakest game-dev skill and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Finally thank you for taking the time to leave such a detailed review, and for streaming my game! Much love <3