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I'm planning on running an online game and recording it in a month or two but I am confused a bit by the Visit/Assist comparison. Let me know if this is the correct way as my brain processed it: 

Assist- Any number of players can choose to go to the same location, take part in the challenges together by taking the highest rolled die, and then taking the modifier of whom's turn it is.  On a success do they all get the bonus or just the player who's "turn" it is?  Turns aren't really defined in the source material---- do you keep going on challenges until you fail? With Assist does this mean you get multiple attempts at a challenge or are the other visiting players "forfeiting" their attempts? 

Visit - A player chooses to go to a location where one of the other cultists resides and THAT cultist can assist the current player (but still have their own scene at another location). So basically any time a cultist goes to another location that one of the other cultists "resides" at they will get the bonus die from that resident? 



Great question! In the big update I'm working on for the game I actually cut these mechanics completely for these reasons. 
However your interpretation is correct for "Visit"! Each player gets an Easy, Medium and Hard challenge for their turn in the place they visit, their turn ends after these three challenges. The Assist mechanic is supposed to encourage players to stick together and help each other by making the dice rolls easier, so the "assisting" player gives the player who's challenge it is a bonus without losing out on their own challenges either.

I hope that clears it up for this version! The new version will maybe probably also be out before your online game as well, so keep an eye out for that.

awesome thanks.