So i tried streaming this game last night. Ill say upfront, i like what this game was going for. The graphics are solid, the voice acting falls on the decent side, and i was genuinely interested in the story. So before you read on i want to make it clear, i liked this game. The part where the monster first shows up was really well done and scared the crap out of me! :) Its just that i can't say i recommend it due to some issues i encountered. There were in fact, a few game breaking problems i encountered more than once with this title.
1, Some scripted events seem to fail to trigger.
2, No save feature, i get the feeling that this game was made with the idea of finishing it all in one go, which is fine, but if the game isn't long enough to warrant a save feature, then a check point feature would probably do well with this game.
3, No clear direction for the player. This was probably my biggest personal issue with the game. I don't like games to hold my hand, but i always appreciate clear objectives. A simple journal entry is good enough however, this game doesn't seem to even really hint very well where it would like the player to go. If it was meant to lean on exploration, that would be fine, however then that crosses over with the fact that there is no check point or save feature so if you accidentally corner yourself and get killed, you have to start the whole game over again and since it would appear that some of the scripted events are time based, that can get really frustrating.
4, Sequence breaks. During my stream i seemed to do certain things out of order and ended up bugging out some of the scripted events. I'm pretty sure i caused the creature to de-spawn somehow as well. I would like to call back to the previous issue i stated about no clear direction for the player as i think that some clearer direction for the player would help prevent these sort of things from happening.
Those were the major issues i had with the game. I've recently started studying game design and learning C# so believe me when i say i truly think that none of these issues are cause by lack of competence or negligence on the team who made this game. I completely understand that a lot goes into making games and there are bound to be a few problems here and there. I just thought i should bring these things to your attention as i do like this game and would love to try and play it again once all these issues are ironed out, if you see fit to iron them out that is, if not, thats okay. I'll also include a link to the entire segment of my stream where i played your game. Feel free to scrub through it if you're interested in seeing some of the issue i spoke about. I'm not the sharpest crayon in the tool box so its entirely possible that all these problems were my fault so feel free to point that sort of thing out if anything jumps out at you. Keep up the great work.