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A nice and well put together game that adds just enough stress to make you focus! I played on a stream and noticed I couldn't look away until I passed a level because I HAD GUESTS TO SERVE DARNIT!

I gave some feedback on stream, but here are the written thoughts on improvement:

  • Stacking seems counter-intuitive. Uses a First-in-first out stack, but feels like first-in-last-out makes MORE sense
    • Consider that in a real scenario things get stacked on top, and come off the top
    • I also found my strategy automatically assumed this and resulted in a lot of mistakes until the developer clarified
  • Sick customers should be controllable by not giving spoiled food (right now it's also random)
  • In this version, since there is no consequence to helping sick customers there's no reason to get them meds
  • The numbers at the end of the levels would be great to leverage into some level award / badge for improving service to customers

Overall, I had a lot of fun - the game feels well put together and the controls are very smooth.