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This game is tons of fun, but there are a few improvements I'd make. The ability to shoot all guns/cannons at once seems like a flaw because then you can just smash the buttons to clear everything. I think making it so you can only shoot one of them at once or making one movable gun/cannon would make the game more interesting. The shooting controls and switch controls also felt very close together and my hands were crammed trying to hit the controls. Maybe make the switch controls near the right side of the keyboard? Other than that, it's a great game. Very unique, great art, a nice looking background, cool concept, and amazing audio. You truly made a great game here. Maybe just make a few minor improvements and it'll be perfect. Well done!

thank you! im happy you liked the game.  your new idea to controls is pretty good. i made them because i use a laptop and my keyborad is much smaller, personaly its more comftable if the controls are on one side in a keyboard like that . i didnt think about the bigger keyboads. thanks for the suggestion! :)