Amazing concept! Amazing art! Gameplay was really smooth too! I really appreciate the presentation work that's gone into this. The overall design is just beautiful to look at. The music was also nice to listen to and didn't ever feel like it ruined the immersion. The ending was also bittersweet but I knew it was coming from the moment I trusted the stranger. The level design could be improved but due to the time limations, I feel you made some pretty great puzzles. I definitely would like to see a sequel where we infiltrate other computers to find the dude's location. That would be a really cool sequel, using other computers to find his location coordinates. Maybe each computer has a hidden coordinate located in the files. And maybe the computers that you use could have viruses. This means you would have to avoid viruses. I also like the idea of an AI trying to complete the puzzle before you, it's a race against time or the computer shuts down because the AI Security Bug is trying to prevent you from completing the puzzles to reach the files that need to be protected at all costs. There's definitely a lot of potential for a sequel and I can see you taking this in many different exciting directions! Great work to the whole team behind this project! Thank you for making this game! :)