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(1 edit)

I can't explain how much I fell for this game

Yeah I may had a rough start with finding the passwords, but thanks to some really nice people here I was able to! And I could find all the remaining ones by myself to finish Dean's route, at least to where it's updated

Finding the passwords is a mechanic that puts me in such a tense mood, I try to remember words that were repeated or sounded important, and the satisfaction feeling I get when I enter a correct one, I love it!

And the characters: I usually like one or maybe two of them but here ALL of them seem so interesting and I can't wait to do all of their routes to found even more about them (Dean was the first and I'm going for Tyson next :D)

I'm so glad I found this game! It's so well done and very entertaining, I'm so busy during the week so I look forward to the weekend to play! ^^