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(3 edits) (+2)

Alright time to write another one

Stand Name: Night Prowler (AC/DC reference)

Ability: Darkness Mimicry

Desc: The user of this stand can transform their body completely into darkness/shadows. The user can assume a two-dimensional form, extend outward to become a larger shadow, blend into the darkness/shadows completely, or even teleport through them.

Form: It is a suit-type of stand. It has a form of a dark cloak that wraps around the user. Pattern of greek meandros is decorated all over the cloak, giving it a gloom and mystifying design. This cloak however, is a bound-type of stand, meaning that non-stand users can also see it.

Condition: The stand's power ability is activated when the user hides himself inside the cloak in a dark or shadowy place.

Limit: Can only be used on a dark or shadowy place, and if a dark area is being lighted or illuminated, that area is no longer accessible until that area is dark again.

Effects: When Darkness Mimicry activates, the greek meandros pattern on the cloak will radiate a faint dark grey light. He will then drown himself in the dark or any shadowy place and gain complete control and flexibility around it. (Similiar to Black Sabbath, but minus the strength, durability, and speed buff.)

Range : As far as the dark or shadowy place goes.

Stage two of the Stand: Night Prowler Back in Black (yes, another AC/DC reference.)

New Ability: Absolute Darkness

Desc: The user is able to create a field of absolute impenetrable darkness that completely negates sight and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses.

Combined with previous and new ability, if there is no dark or shadowy place surrounding the user to move around, the user can just make a new one and then assert dominance over the enemy inside it.

Condition : Has to shout "Night Prowler Back in Black" in order to activate (just like in the series).

Limit : 3 hours cooldown, and Absolute darkness only lasts for a minute. The maximum range of the field is 100 meters.

Overpowered version of the stand: Night Prowler Requiem

New Ability: Darkness Embodiment

Desc: The stand is now the physical manifestation or personification of Darkness, the all-encompassing void which acts as the counterbalance to light. The darkness manifested is made of pure negativity and lack of illumination. The user of this stand is able to essentially tapping into the core of different forms of darkness itself to assert their dominion.

No more description needed, the user of this stand is simply one with the darkness.

Condition: It's a requiem stand.

Limit : There is no limit.

(4 edits) (+2)

This is just a long-short story about the stand user that i wrote to spend my free time. Feel free to read it, and please leave any suggestion or critic cause that may help me become better in the future.

Stand User : Razor Sedge (yet another AC/DC reference)

Razor Sedge works as a hitman.

At a cold and frightening darkness in the night with a dagger in his pocket, Razor was out to assassinate a fortune teller who is a famous celebrity that recently got his popularity from a TV show. When the perfect time to strike had come, he didnt hesitate to take that chance and ambushes him from behind. He then stabbed the fortune teller with his dagger in the back, and it goes straight to the heart. The poor fortune teller's body fell off to the ground, cold and lifeless.

The moment he thought that he had murdered his target, a hand grabbed his shoulder. Razor flinched and he was completely caught by suprise, mixed with confusion and panic. It was the fortune teller.

The should-have-been-died fortune teller then walks slowly, closing in the to the frightened hitman, and whispered 

"You picked the wrong target, my dear friend". 

Suddenly, Razor felt a very painful jolt in his stomach, and flew over to a nearby lamppost. A punch to the gut, physically, that comes out of nowhere.

Razor, who was almost knocked out from the sudden attack, quickly regains his balance and tried to attack the fortune teller again, only to no avail and resulted in him being flown again, this time to a wall. This time, the punch was even more powerful it broke Razor's ribs, and the hitman yelled in pain. The knife were also flown off far away.

The fortune teller then walks to the defenseless hitman. He crouches, and said to him,

"I dont want to kill you. I saw in my vision that you're the saviour. We must've been entangled by fate to meet in here. You're a hitman right? How about if i give you an arrow that holds unbelievable powers that goes beyond anyone's imaginations inside it, in exchange of leaving me alone?"

The hitman didnt believe anything about what the fortune teller said, but he would do anything to survive even if it involved some stupid fairytale things, which then he agreed to the deal.

"Very well, and it's nice to see you being a good child obeying his father's words. Here it is my dear, use it to however you like as long as you're doing it for the weak and fight for justice." said the fortune teller as he dropped an arrow like object on the floor.

"Remember, never meet me again, until fate tells me that my vision about you is correct" 

The fortune teller then walks away an disappears into the darkness, completely gone in the eye. Razor then gets up and grab the unknown object, analyzing it. Confused by what it is and the origin of it, he would just put it on his pocket and waste no time to go back at his home. After all that trouble, he definitely needed some peaceful rest at home, and calm his mind down.

After a very long walk to his home, he opened the door, and was greeted by a man, currently wielding what had being seen as a knife right in front of him.

Razor, trying to solve the mystery of why there's another hitman in his house, guessed that his employer knew that Razor failed, so he hired another hitman to kill him with the sole reason of cleaning the tracks left behind.

The poor hitman who was just want to have some nice and peaceful rest, quickly lunges in front of him and tried to disarm him. The opposing hitman knew and tried to counter the attack, only to be counter-countered by Razor and the knife then dropped to the ground.

As the opposing hitman were trying to get the knife back, an idea appeared on the hitman's head, as he remembered that he had an arrow-shaped object in his pocket. He then tried to attack the opposing hitman with it, but the enemy saw him and then he kicked him off, making the hitman dropped the arrow and falling to the floor.

The opposing hitman gave up on finding the knife and grabs the arrow. He then tried to stab Razor in the chest. Razor tried to stop it, but he lacked the strength due to the previous event, and the arrow ended up stabbing him. 

Seemingly successful on killing the target, the opposing hitman then waste no time to clean off the evidences, and quickly left the location.

Little did the opposing hitman know, that the arrow didnt exactly kill his target. Instead, it chooses him as a stand user. 

When Razor woke up, he was greeted by dark cloak in his body. Confused, he tried to take it off, but it still stuck. He tried punching it, but it gives no effect and instead he gets hurt. When he completely covered himself using the cloak, he felt that the cloak was radiating, and then he suddenly drowns into the floor. It felt like he's invisible and intangible, and he moved freely all over the house.

When he flicked the light switch, suddenly he lost control of the power and fell to the ground. It was at this moment that he remembered what the fortune teller told him.

"Am i a saviour? Can i save people? But i'm just a hitman, how am i supposed to save people if the only thing i can do is murder?" 

The thought crossed his mind, and he remembered that his main reason of being a hitman is because he was sick of those rich bastards who abuses money and slaves the weak, while getting away with it by corrupting the system. That thought then fades away when he instead started working for them, almost changed his main reason of being a hitman.

It was at this night, that marked the start of the anti-hero, who hides in the shadow and kills them who abuses the weak for their own gain. He who lives in the darkness, raising justice behind the scenes.

Razor hoped that one day he meets that fortune teller again, to thank him for returning his main purpose of being a hitman, and may even have a rematch again each other. He also hoped that he may find that employer who hired a hitman against him, and seek revenge.