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I really tried to beat this game, but it became one of the most annoying games I've ever played. The enemies are so relentless and give no warning before they rush you. Basically, you get as far as you can, then die, get back to where you died and kill that guy, and then die on the next one. And repeat until you win I guess. It's frustrating, man. Unless there's some trick that I don't know about. But I even tried to cheat on the rocks and still failed.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback! I've reduced the spawnrate of the enemies, increased the noise they make and slowed their charge slightly. I appreciate the help!


Nice! I'll try it again this weekend. I think it can be a really good game but I seriously died like 30 times while trying to beat it, so it became pretty frustrating and long. I dig the style of it though.


Let me know if you're still having issues and I'll tweak it again! Finding that sweetspot between difficulty and reward is a very fine line haha.