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Hey, I just want to tell you that it is impressive that you wrote a game on Python. From personal experience, making games on Python is a real challenge. 

There is also the difficulty of launching games from the users end. Python is not exactly the best game engine to launch games. 

For a beginner, good job on joining your first game jam. I suggest to try out some other engines. I recommend Godot because coding in there is similar to Python. 

For starter, I recommend HeartBeast's Godot Action RPG Tutorial series on Youtube, it is a good introduction for Godot for complete beginners.

Thank you for your recommendation. I started making games in python because that was the only language I knew and I wanted to get better at it. When my game was done I actually started to learn Unity because I want to learn a new language and Unity have many tutorials and seams like a good place for beginners up to a pretty high level.

(I was done with the project after 3 days and the days after that I tried to make a working exe)