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I would like to say since your making among us 2 maybe you could make the game a little bit more you know graphic in the way of graphics. and maybe make the game free idk it would be nice, it would also be nice to have like 6 more maps. and more colors skins hats and pets. I'm sure you already have these things and are trying to implement them. I would also like to say when you release among us 2 you should probably have it on mobile to. EXAMPLE: the release of among us 2 for pc (windows and Linux) a couple weeks after among us 2 comes out on mobile. anyway just some ideas.



just read the post. also the graphics don’t need changing, sorta like Minecraft.

Why should they make the game free? Is $5 not cheap to you? The developers need this money to keep making the game and keep running the servers. If you don't wanna help the developers, just don't play the game. Wanna play the game and not support the developers? Too bad, they work harder than you will ever work.


Among Us 2 was cancelled

No it wasnt

yes, since it among us 1 got so popular they are just going to work for that one instead.