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Hello! I played through (most of) this and I'd like to share my feedback regarding the puzzles. I'll say that most of the puzzles are solid, there were just a few hangups.

  • The weakest puzzle was the one where you're shown some "maps" and you have to traverse a long distance through a town and some grass. It wasn't much of a puzzle, and I enjoyed the little block pushing puzzle at the end much more haha. Also, I think its supposed to spawn some portals to help me get back, but they didn't work so I had to walk all the way back.
  • The puzzle with the 6 panels that you have to configure to have the dot in the right position needs something to designate which direction is "up" in the world. I did the whole puzzle upside down and it didn't register so I had to run around and do it a second time.
  • Some puzzles require you to look at one thing while interacting with another thing. This isn't bad in-and-of itself, but the depth of field effect can make this difficult sometimes.
  • The only puzzle I was unable to complete was the second half of the locker room puzzle with the wooden blocks. I assume I'm supposed to enter something regarding Vincent Van Gogh's birth and death dates, but it's not clear exactly what, and it's a pretty slow input process with the blocks, so I kind of ran out of steam there.

I really enjoyed the game!

Thanks for playing and for this constructive review!

I'll add some more stuff to the puzzle with the maps and fix the portal.

I thought it can be guessed that in the puzzle with the 6 panels, the 'up' direction is the gate from which you enter. To make it less vague I'll put a gate icon or something on the panels.

I'll fix the depth of field problem

And as for the block puzzle of the locker room, Vincent Van Gogh's birth or death dates don't have anything to do with it lol. If you still can't figure out please let me know I might've made it too vague. I'll try to fix it.

Thank you for playing!