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Excuse me, just min-maxing my gunpla build over here. Good pulls for items and character resources. A twitter/ instagram / trip log would be cool for getting pull quotes and unique interactions for specific party setups, but that's more of a post-jam implementation idea.

A clicker with an explicit goal is cool, and I really like the idea of loadouts and resources being worth different amounts at different shops. Don't think it needs mini games, but types of forecasts about upcoming events so you can strategize about how to load out (attacks are coming up, so I want to make sure people have enough str to fight them off, but also big rigs are worth hella lots in the next town, so risk losing alex in a fight for a huge payoff if he survives the trip?)

other then that, just gonna echo the "quality of life" improvements. Sell all button. I played it for a bit by having it running in the BG. I'm not into clickers, but I could get into this.