Post was too long, here's bugs
- The music would more often than not go nuts every round, either playing for a second then stoping, playing at double speed, starting over when eating a villager, etc
- The vampire hunter gets stuck on the top-left of the map a lot.
- A rock spawned between the right house and the bottom fence, making the vampire hunters hanging out by the door wondering where I was, with suicide being the only way out.
- It's sometimes possible to continue walking around after finishing a level.
- The game took about a minuet to give the proper game over screen after running out of lives.
- The vampire hunters like to double up, removing the whole point of there being 2.
- One of the villagers got stuck in a loop of going in and out the house from whatever exit she just took
- Real CRT's dont't cover the screen with transparent legos, try messing with convergance and tilting the yolk instead