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I liked the idea of crystal magical girl, but the controls were a bit clunky and could be better explained, like how it took me 2-3mins before i realized i could spam moves as long as they were different moves and werent currently happening.

Also, the keybindings mentioned on the page are mixed :p

 the enemies felt like they had too much hp before i got annoyed at how they werent dying, specially the boss, i got him to half hp and he started his 2nd phase by moving faster, i didnt had enough patience of to safely kill him at that point...

Thank you for playing. I updated the description and also uploaded a video demonstrating the intended experience.

Yes, I made a huge mistake putting in unclear and even downright wrong instructions. The reason enemies have quite a lot of health is to make up for the potential damage multiplier which gradually increases up to x1.5 if the player can maintain the heat gauge above the player. As a result, it is possible that the player could finish the game within 90 seconds or less as presented in the video.

I would be really happy if you could watch the video and perhaps give me another chance and provide feedback based on the video or even another play-through if you wish.