You guys really should just make a sequel, it's way easier, and could allow you to make cool new changes without having to rewrite all the code.
This also gives you more flexibility and that's important.
ah yes, making newer code, making new textures, making new maps, making all new exclusive features, making new tile sets, making more kill animations, taking possibly up to a year to make, putting stress on a 3 MAN DEVELOPMENT TEAM, actually doing the animations.
its way easier then to just keep working on the first game lmao, keep on putting out updates to the first game and gradually make it better, or just take another year and a half to make a whole new sequel with the possibillity of being delayed.
Actually, from my experience, it takes longer to rewrite code for an existing application, it's actually less work if they made a sequel, it also gives them more flexibility to keep updating the 2nd one while they work on the sequel.
In reality, not making a sequel is what's going to screw them over in the long term. Keeping the hype train going with Among Us 2 is a better idea.
They can just release a beta version of Among Us 2 in a few months to show their progress. It doesn't take a year and a half to make a pretty decent base game. (Of course, they definitely need to update it, but they could make a decent game without spending a year and a half.