"Your browser does not support any of the required graphics API for this content." :(
I've tried my game on chrome. Which browser are you using?
I'm using firefox 81.
My gut tells me it's because my laptops a dinosaur and won't run anything beyond webGL 1.
If you don't think webGL is an issue let me know if there's anything else I can provide you to help diagnose the problem.
I tried on Firefox 81 on my computer and it works fine.
Confirmed it's a webGL issue because my laptops a dinosaur.
Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed: * tryNativeGL* Exhausted GL driver options. UnityLoader.js:4:475Warning: Unsupported graphics API WebGL 2.0 UnityLoader.js:4:11226
Good to know the issue is solved! Too bad about your laptop though :(
Don't be too sorry. Not for my laptop.
It lets me do most things I want. Except for upgrade the video card :(
For 70$ USD, I have no cause for complaints :)
Be sorry that I won't be able to give a lot of the games from this jam any feedback. Yours isn't the only one I've had issues with lol.