Just finished Laurence's route, while he isn't an outright scoundrel, there is definitely that bad-boy thing about him. He's the character in the Austen novels which is 'too good to be true'. The one who matches the heroine's wit, romanticism and individualism, but being less tempered by rational thinking and driven more by ego, they have a character flaw and Austen's protagonists will end up marrying the more grounded character who reinforces, rather than disrupts polite society. But glad to see, not this time! It's like a parallel universe where John Willoughby DOES marry Marianne Dashwood or Henry Crawford DOES marry Fanny Price. My favourite thing of all three routes, is Arabella and Ernest. I love how their love reminds me of Jane and Bingley's; unaffected and consistent. I ship them, wholeheartedly!