I wanna share how I got this running on my old Wii. I first ran LetterBomb, with my region and MAC Address, then put those files on my SD Card. I went to the WIi Message Board, then went to yesterday, then hit the red letter. It brought up a menu that, when you wait 30 seconds, shows to press 1 to continue. This enters you into the HackMii installer, where you can install The Homebrew Channel and BootMii. If you're just running Terri-Fried, you might just want the Homebrew Channel. (get them anyway) If you're going to install other Homebrew, install BootMii and Priiloader (guides at wii.guide). Hit "Install the Homebrew Channel," and hit yes for the other popups. Once you have done that, hit Exit, and it will bring you to the Homebrew Channel. Delete the LetterBomb files, then copy over all the Terri-Fried files. Then go to the Homebrew Channel, and Terri-Fried should show up in the menu.