Hi Evan !
Well done for your amazing work, it's really impressive !
The wind simulation is simply stunning ! I can't believe you managed to simulate rotors or thermals that well ! And YES thank you ! Changing the harness type is something I've always wanted to do ! The new spawning system is really good too, the fact that we can spawn close to the terrain straight away is a great addition which saves a lot of time.
The only problem I see now is the camera. I really enjoyed the camera fixed to the harness you had on you previous version because you could see the wing and your direction at the same time. I think you should put it back. I really don't like the camera prediction now, it never looks where I want, in first person view like in the external following view.
For example when soaring and going up, the external view looks up to follow the speed direction of the pilot, but that's not where I want to look at all ! The same goes when the doing wing-over in first person view.
Another great addition would be to be able to move the first person camera with joystick inputs so we could do acro in FPV.
Anyway, stunning work again, the camera stuff was the only issue I could find, Thanks for this beautiful sim, and I can't wait to see the final version ;)