hiya! thanks again for your feedback! I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint you on some of them, though;
1. my idea was to have to go with a single tactical setup per game, as a deliberate constraint, so you'd have to deal with your initial choices even if they turn out wrong. (it helps that the games are only 5 minutes long anyway). also, because in PES, it always annoyed me that people kept on making tactical changes during the game, because these pauses take you out of the flow. (it's also kinda hard to build in now even if I wanted to, because of the way I coded it technically)
2. I've looked in to this issue, but the thing is; you are probably playing the cup mode, right? because in that mode, the teams are already selected, so your feedback makes sense; however, in the 'normal' mode, the team selection happens *after* the side selection, because else I have no way of knowing who is to select the teams at all yet! so the lack of flags in world cup mode is because it uses the same menu screen as the normal side selection screen. I could still add the flags/team names to the world cup version, of course, but it's kind of a low prio change because it does take more work than you may expect, for a minor issue :$ (sorry)
3. true, that's a bit of a limitation of my menu code; I think the same thing happens in other selectors. again, point taken, but low prio fix
sorry for not being helpful this time :P I still very much appreciate your feedback, but I need to push through with the steam release (they require tons of images for the library etc :/) and fixing some more game-breaking bugs. I may address some of your points in a later patch!
I've never played with more than 2 players, so I'm very curious if that works right! let me know if you manage to make it happen :)