Hey, I just saw this (and spotted that you'd streamed it) -- thank you! It really means a lot to me to see other people enjoying the thing I made!
Apologies for the near-heart attack from the static! I added in sound effect sliders really late into development and apparently didn't catch everything that might have been affected by them.
Re the stuff you mentioned in the stream: you're right in that the main thing which affects the ending is whether or not you kill Emma and whether or not you open the station's comms. Once you've helped Emma wire the station, she'll carry out her plan to blow it and escape to Mars regardless of whether you escape with Paris or kill him.
And you were absolutely right: it is possible to get an ending in which Harold Phaiston gets what's coming to him -- although it takes a pretty circuitous route which I'd prefer not to entirely spoiler in the comments here :) The first step is to turn on Emma immediately after you've helped her wire the core to detonate; she'll drop what is arguably the most powerful secondary weapon in the game, even if not everybody recognises it as such.
(Oh, also, you can skip the ending credits / ending by hitting escape!)