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WOW i just read though it all in 2 days now and i really liked it! I know it said it contained gore but i got pretty surprised at first when the gore happend but its cool as it is :D

The art is really something else too, i dont know any other visual novel with HAND drawn art, its something you have to get used to but i learned to love it now! I also really liked the character development and plots and im looking forward for the next update! ^^

I do have one suggestion to improve the feeling a little... when you die in a battle, would it be possible to get set back to like the beginning of the fight and not the main menu? I mean its not the end of the world you can (and probably should) just save before every major enemy encounter buuuuut it really set me back because at first i was playing this game a long time at once and didn't feel like i needed to save cause i wasn't going to quit any time soon but then i died and had to skip though all of it and do like 3 or 4 fight again ^^"

Its really just for comfort but what can i say, otherwise it was great! Keep it up ^^ 


One question remains for me though ^^"

Are there any nsfw events planned? (Just curious because the bonding between eric and blu is getting real tight ^^") I wouldn't mind but i can understand if you wann keep it "sfw" ish... i mean... the other kind of nsfw with the gore stuff ^^

Well, that's it for me, cya till the next update~

(1 edit) (+4)

Mmmm... Sexual Content... Possibly?

Blu's face gave it away...


Who knows what possible in the soul room XD

oh god


*Fantasizes Blu and Eric L O V E scene in the soul room*