Wow! The atmosphere was amazing. I really enjoyed the music especially, and the pixel art was awesome! I love atmospheric games. And the story was really, really engaging and I wish the game could have lasted longer! I wanted to know more about the evil creatures and everything else about the world by the end! I hope you'll continue to grow and create even more amazing projects like this one. Super cool!
The one big thing that I'd like to point out is that the lighting was really, really aggravating, especially before you turn on emergency lights. In a way I love the atmosphere and using only the narrow beam of light to light your way, but there was something about it that really annoyed me. I'm not sure I can put my finger on it fully, but when you're playing a platformer and you can't tell what is pipe you can jump on and what is not, it gets really frustrating really fast. Maybe I'd love to see more contrast between the background and pipes/ledges you can jump on. The visibility was also really bad when it came to seeing the enemy creatures. They blended so well into the black background that it was hard to see where they were. This might have been intentional to make them more scary. I just think that what you thought you were doing creates the unintended consequence of making the game not as fun to play since you don't know where to shoot or jump next. That random little spot at the end after you fall back to the floor with the train that you're supposed to jump up into was really weirdly placed with no defining markers. I backtracked thru the whole tunnel once with no monsters to fight just so I could realize I was supposed to go up there. I wonder if there's a way to improve ease of gameplay thru improving visible interactable objects and still maintaining the creep-factor?
That being said, the song at the end was awesome and I really, really liked this! One of my favorite submissions, actually. You did a rocking job and I'm gonna follow you to see what you crazy cats do next! Thank you so much for your hard work! :D