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The art style got my attention and played your game, which is a good start. The game mechanic is simple, music is quite good. From a player's perspective, some tasks are too repetitive, like keep pressing the buttons, but I do notice there are other stuffs like dragging boxes into specific areas. It will be better to let the player plays it a little bit earlier, and probably keep using in the later levels, and more variety on the overall mechanics.

The blue octopus robots are too hard to dodge, which is actually where I give up haha. Maybe increasing the jumping height a little bit?

Two tiny bugs noticed, after completing a level and exit to the main menu, the game doesn't seem to remember that I have done it already. The another is that sometimes when the barrier is not open, I can glitch my way in without pressing the button.

I think you are going on the right path, keep on!


Thank you very much for taking the time to evaluate my game, this is important to me. I will take everything into account and try to fix it.

It's already very nice! Keep up the good work!