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(7 edits) (+3)

I'm absolutely in love with this visual novel! The story is really fun and interesting and I love the characters a lot! Ritch is my absolute favorite hehe he is so nice and cute and caring ❤️ I enjoyed every second I spent playing it! amazing job!

Will you add color to the sprites?

And will Gogo be dateable too?


hehe thanks! Did you tryed all the routes?

I'm glad you enjoy Ritch so much~

I will color them all yes ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah! I tried all the routes and I also tried most option and ended up finding Gogo's route :3 he is super cute ^^

thanks :3 

I'm surprised at how much the geeky doggo is popular hehe

(2 edits) (+1)

Really? As soon as I saw Gogo when I followed Ritch the first thing I thought was "ok this dog is super cute, people are gonna love him" hahaha. Ritch is still my favorite though. That part in which you have to pick between hug him, pet him or do nothing? I immediately picked the hug and I absolutely adore the outcome ❤️


hehe some people thought the hug would lead to a bad reaction, and picked the pet instead ^^

I like the fact my choices are bringing reflexions like this~


At first I also thought Ritch might get angry for the hug but then I thought "Nah, he seems to be a very sweet guy, I bet he will enjoy the hug" and I love giving hugs so yeah I went directly for the hug hahaha

Haha well each characters will react differently if you hug them ^^