As there is no fix in sight I wrote a script which will do the download, organize the pictures and so on. Problem is, that it won´t load the pictures in the background. It has to download all before starting the game. The script will ask for your waifu name, then download the files, then start the game and this will ask for your waifu name again. Just type the same name and it should work. Hopefully.
If you want to use it just copy the text from into a .ps1 file (e.g. start.ps1). Now place this file in the root of the game where waifu_solitair.exe is located. Run the script by either double clicking or right clicking and pressing run (I have no idea anymore what the default is) and enjoy.
It can take a while, but at least it works.
PS: @cwdogflip This game is really a very neat idea. Good job :)
PPS: If you want to use other sites/tags you can do that by changing the links in the script. Tags should be easy as just $main_url_base has to be changed, but for sites you have to figure out the regexes and so on for yourself ^^
For example if you not only want explicit images just remove '+rating%3aexplicit' from the $main_url_base.