Hi Euris,
Oh noes indeed! I tried so hard to get away from Thomas, but after several kilometers, I got got. I really enjoyed scrolling through my fire playlist while running over some pretty metal (and beautifully drawn) obstacles. Sometimes, obstacles would sort of stack on top of each other, which I liked, as it gave another aspect of jumping up and over multiple obstacles. But every once in a while I think they would get too high and I couldn't get over them, not sure if that was a result of something I did or not though. The main suggestion I have for this game is I think I was expecting a greater sense of conveyed speed to my chase, through speed lines, a scrolling background, or something else I'm not sure. But also maybe the lesser sense of speed is the point, creating a difference between the raging soundtrack, hardcore visual style, distance measured in kilometers, and the chase itself. If that's the case, this is right on the money. Either way though, I enjoyed looking at and playing through this rip tearing chase of cat and mouse. Nice job!