I can definitely appreciate the sheer strangeness radiating from this one. The mere idea of playing as a car to trick some cockroach into thinking it's in control (complete with sound effects) is rad, and the obstacle-filled road is a great addition that completes the concept (having to sometimes sacrifice believability for the sake of survival makes for an engaging give and take), but I think the disconnect created by the inverted controls in the top-down perspective is just a little too disorienting considering that the player is already trying appease a cockroach without crashing. I think I understand why the feature is in place, maybe the game would be a little too easy otherwise, but I'd at least like to try playing without it. The text boxes commenting on the player's performance are welcome feedback, but I might appreciate a bar that measures how close I might be to fully convincing the cockroach. Maybe that's unnecessary, but it might at least motivate me to strategize around my "safety turns" when I know I can afford to lose a few points. Overall, awesome job! I'm definitely gonna hear that hiss in my nightmares.