I really liked the voice acting in this game. It sounded very professional. The art is pretty good, too.
The gameplay, however, was not so great. I didn't really understand what was going on, and the whole dashing-over-the-bottomless-pits mechaninc does not work well at all. It's not always clear where you need to dash, what you need to dash to, and is inconsistent in results. Sometimes I would fall in the middle of my dash, other times I would get to the intended destination. Hit detection is funny here, too: sometimes I could walk along the side of a pit, other times I would count as "falling in." Other issues include repeated text, some voice clips not being cut properly so I hear bits of the next clip, and walking next to a door whisking me away to the next room before I was ready or even aware it was going to happen.
You did say this is an alpha, so I understand the lack of polish. Perhaps with more development and polish it will become a more enjoyable experience. Since the art and voice acting are strong points, you may even consider dropping the "game" aspect altogether and go for a visual novel.