As others have said, the controls could use a rethink:
- Why do I need to click to use the sword? There's no directionality, so it could easily be bound to key
- Why can't I jump with the up/W key?
- Why is dodge a double tap of A/D? There's nothing more frustrating that trying to inch forward and rolling off a platform or into some spikes.
It's also worth taking a look at the checkpointing system. A large part of the difficulty at the moment is that they're spaced quite far apart, which is fine I guess, but tends to lead to lead to frustration when you have to repeat a large section. I'd definitely rethink the checkpoints before levers, as there's nothing fun about triggering a checkpoint and then discovering there was no danger ahead and now you're going to have to backtrack through the same section again and again, especially when you respawn all the enemies.
Given the metroidvania-type map, you could consider creating a shortcut for the player back to a hub after they've pulled a lever, so that the forward momentum can be maintained. Or allow fast-travelling between discovered checkpoints.