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A great choice of music, and the audio feedback on receiving damage is helpful. It would be great to have another sound for picking up feathers (I assume these are for increasing health/hitpoints?) The intro flight cutscene is cool, but it would be nice if you did not have to wait through this on every retry. Also, there was one time when I was getting damaged by a thundercloud before I could even move my player. Also, at first, I assumed I could only move left and right, and being in the centre of the screen felt bad. I worked out I could move around vertically too, and after this realisation the gameplay felt more fun. Great work for a first jam!


Skipping the cutscene - noted. Getting damaged before the game starts... sounds like a bug, I'll have a look, they shouldn't spawn until the cutscene is over.

Thanks for playing and all of the feedback, it really helps!