Welp, it seems I either done goofed or made the puzzle more complicated than it needed to be and assigned the reverse ordinal gemantric value to the Light glyph. At this point I can't remember if I did this on purpose, but if I did, I strongly disagree with past-0me's decision to do that.
Anyway, the correct answer for the Light glyph SHOULD be 1250, but the current build of the game thinks it is 1353. I'm currently in the process of patching it (and doing some mild optimization in the process), but you've more than earned entrance into the ending area if you want to just plug 1353 into that second slot and have been wondering why the solution you'd arrived at after converting to base 6 wasn't working.
I am super sorry. I can't offer much in recompense, but I'd be happy to send along some free pdfs of or codes to my commercial tabletop games as an "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking" gift. Just let me know where it would be most convenient to send them.