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This game is hands down one of the best visual novels I have ever played. I can't express how much I enjoyed playing this, how many emotions I felt, how many times I wanted to cry. If you're not sure about playing this, please give it a try and it's free so you have no excuse! The soundtrack is amazing, the game is extremely well polished and it's obvious how much thought and work went into this just by looking at the small details such as the character name in the save files (it changes!). I even love the small transitions between scenes.

I would recommend following the recommended playthrough as the story builds up on each of the previous routes. I love how each route brings new information to light and you befriend different characters, some of which are more complex than they seem. My favorite side character has got to be Delora and I think my favourite route was either Waltz or Karma, can't decide which, with Fritz being a close second. (Rumpel I found the most boring)

I think the only criticism I have is that the bad endings tend to cut off the story. When you've just realized that you're on your way to getting a bad end by some character dying or things just turning out really bad, the story is abruptly cut off with a "Bad End" screen. No epilogue, no conclusion, nothing. It's like you're watching a movie and someone pressed the stop button. There are other visual novels where I've gotten bad ends before but they tend to take the story to the end, show the reader what actually happens to the characters (+ the kingdom) and how the story ends. This one just kinda stops like in the middle of a battle or with the character simply losing consciousness. The only route where this didn't happen was Waltz's bad end. That was a better epilogue than the rest.